The Naked Scientists Podcast

The Naked Scientists flagship weekly science show. Science news stories, scientific breakthroughs and interviews with leading scientists...

13 January 2023

Marine noise causes dolphins to yell, and what went wrong at Spaceport Cornwall...

10 January 2023

Putting your questions, from the cosmic to the microscopic, to our panel of expert guests...

03 January 2023

Some of our favourite stories from the past 12 months

19 December 2022

How data on our oceans is collected, and what we then do with it...

16 December 2022

A breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy, but what does it mean?

13 December 2022

How magnets, quite literally, shape the world we live in...

09 December 2022

Plus, the unusual new link between death metal singers and bats...

06 December 2022

How did we cross this milestone, what are the implications, and is depopulation a viable solution?

02 December 2022

A promising breakthrough in Alzheimer's treatment, but with some troubling side effects

29 November 2022

The artificial intelligence standing between you and your dream job...

25 November 2022

Plus, using artificial enzymes to attack COVID, and how low frequency noises make us want to dance

22 November 2022

Why do black holes spin, and what makes glue so sticky?

15 November 2022

What use are the scientific findings if they can't be reproduced?

11 November 2022

How red blood cells can be grown from stem cells, and how will we commuincate with aliens?

08 November 2022

Covid has slowed progress in fighting TB. So what options are scientists weighing up?

04 November 2022

Plus, birdsong proven to reduce anxiety and the new, cheaper carbon capture material...

01 November 2022

How scientists are using knowledge of the human body's circadian rhythms to better our health...

28 October 2022

Plus, New health study enlists 5 million Brits, and amphipods show signs of deep sea evolution...

25 October 2022

A trip around the circular economy, inspired by the SEEMONSTER installation at Weston-Super-Mare

21 October 2022

In the news, how much fishing line is sat at the bottom of our oceans, and can bacteria make tumours worse?

18 October 2022

Are reawakening, dormant viruses to blame? And what's the prognosis for the one person in twenty left feeling low...

14 October 2022

Plus, spotting dementia early and plastic eating worms...

07 October 2022

Plus the rest of this week's news...