The Naked Scientists Podcast

The Naked Scientists flagship weekly science show. Science news stories, scientific breakthroughs and interviews with leading scientists...

29 June 2021

Does counting calories really work? Could the universe ever implode? And what makes duct tape so sticky?

22 June 2021

Sharks are more than just their teeth

15 June 2021

Why are some unsure about getting the COVID vaccine?

08 June 2021

Summer means longer days and more Sun. But what does that mean to us as a species?

01 June 2021

It's the science behind the latest headlines! Oxygen shortages, the man who found the Titanic, and more...

25 May 2021

From influencing eggs to practising in private, we're tuning in to birdsong science

18 May 2021

We take a close look at attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

11 May 2021

Are the claimed medical benefits rooted in reality, and what is the science of sauerkraut?

04 May 2021

It’s a look at the science behind the headlines! Health, climate, forensics, and a sci-fi thriller...

27 April 2021

We’re looking at how to improve the green credentials of the homes we live in...

20 April 2021

This week we go radio ga-ga, taking a look at the science in your radio!

13 April 2021

From ancient date seeds producing fruit to pesky plant parasites, we're digging into the world of seeds

06 April 2021

Meet the phenomenon worth trillions of dollars, that uses more power than Sweden, but that few understand...

30 March 2021

What should the hospital of the future look like?

23 March 2021

What's going on below when the ground starts to shake...

16 March 2021

Using modern technology to unravel ancient secrets

09 March 2021

We take a look at the science behind some of the biggest stories of the moment

02 March 2021

How is fertility faring in 2021, and will the pandemic have an impact?

23 February 2021

We're tackling increasing education gaps, stressed out parents & teachers, and the changing world of work...

16 February 2021

From novel clinical trials to vaccine passports, we're answering the crucial vaccine questions

09 February 2021

What happens when the scientist...becomes the subject? Meet the medical mavericks who test their own bodies...

02 February 2021

Is nuclear power a necessity, or something we could go without?

26 January 2021

How do medical imaging technologies actually work?

18 January 2021

From 27000-year-old thread to weaving with human cells, we're unpicking the science of textiles