
Brain schematic

Reversing ageing in the brain

... good working order. The good news is that this aspect of ageing it might be reversible. To explain how, Robin Franklin ... duration there's a big problem of how you deal with the ageing phenomenon in the adult stem cell. Chris - And Kevin ... research reveals the same is true for our brain. Reversing ageing in the brain ...

Bowhead Whale

Why whales live so long

... catch! Whales have probably evolved these natural anti-ageing mechanisms to compensate for their relatively slow ... to use some of the same approaches to alter disease and ageing processes in humans too. To start the ball rolling, ... this and other species. Bowhead whales have evolved anti-ageing DNA-repair systems to outlive almost all other animals ...

Headline about cancer

Cancer diagnoses trending upwards in the UK

... Jon - It's a bit of a mixed picture, really. We have an ageing and growing population, so the number of new cases ... of cancer among younger people but, because we have an ageing population overall, we still see enormous numbers of ... Jon Shelton, Cancer Research UK But is this down to an ageing population? Cancer diagnoses trending upwards in the UK ...

How old am I on the inside?

... and chronological ages. Marija - When we think of ageing, we usually talk about chronological age: the time ... that are working in the field of glycan biology and ageing. We have published over 100 peer reviewed scientific ... Is it all these radio programmes I’m producing are ageing me? Marija - Yeah. I guess this is not really helping ...


Mythconception: Do antioxidants really keep you young?

... the University of California, Berkeley, he proposed that ageing is caused by reactive molecules that build up in the ... began to rally around the theory of free radical ageing and that antioxidants such as vitamin C and ... a massive racket. The reason the notion of oxidation and ageing hangs around is because it is perpetuated by people ...

The effects of old age on the human face. Portrait of Elisabetha Drum of Kittsee, Austria. Created by Michael Ströck

Young at Heart - Healthy Ageing

... how to live longer and look younger with the science of ageing! We discover how repairing damage to DNA could prevent ... how to live longer and look younger with the science of ageing! We discover how repairing damage to DNA could prevent ... stretchy science of rubber bands! Young at Heart - Healthy Ageing ...

The effects of old age on the human face. Portrait of Elisabetha Drum of Kittsee, Austria. Created by Michael Ströck


... Scientists in Africa, We'll be looking into the science of Ageing. We'll be finding out why we age, why we develop ... Scientists in Africa, We'll be looking into the science of Ageing. We'll be finding out why we age, why we develop ... across Africa to stop illegal loggers in their tracks! Ageing ...

Bat calls, weather balloons, telomeres and ageing

... on the Isle of Arran in Scotland; and why there's more to ageing than telomeres. How an online tool is helping to ... balloons for atmospheric research and how telomeres and ageing are linked... Bat calls, weather balloons, telomeres and ageing ...

Do anti-wrinkle creams really work?

Do anti-ageing creams really work?

... cannabis makes some people feel creative, and whether anti-ageing skin creams actually make you look younger... What ... does fog really lift, and do skin creams stop the ageing process? Do anti-ageing creams really work? ...

Old woman

Forever Young: Can Science Reverse Ageing?

Is ageing inevitable, or can science help stop or even reverse ... will keep us healthier for longer. We explore the world of ageing research... Forever Young: Can Science Reverse Ageing? ...

Impending Ovulation This is an ovary shortly before an egg is released. The stigma can clearly be seen.

Why female fertility falls with age

... likely to have problems." Instead Duncan thinks that the ageing ovary, where eggs are matured in structures called ... that can be used to slow down the process of ovarian ageing, which may help individuals choosing to defer ... the blood, we can use them to indicate the rate of ovarian ageing, and give information to a woman about her prospects ...

Dolly the Sheep with her first born lamb, called Bonnie.

Mythconception: Did Dolly the sheep have arthritis?

... raised about the possible link between cloning and early ageing – and many people became convinced that Dolly’s ... and her lung cancer was caused by a virus – not by early ageing. Having said this, the jury is still out on whether or not there is a link between cloning and early ageing. The DNA of a clone will be older than the DNA of a ...

Dehydrate to survive!

... the animation. It's as though they - they even stop ageing. So, animals will do this and they have a natural ... lifetime and when you dry them, that stops and they stop ageing at that point. When you rehydrate them, they will continue ageing and then they will live out what's left with their ...

The effects of old age on the human face. Portrait of Elisabetha Drum of Kittsee, Austria. Created by Michael Ströck

Clearing Old Cells Prevents Old Age Diseases

... normal mouse.  So now the phenotypes in this accelerated ageing mouse that display ageing related disorders are sarcopenia, which is basically ... gives us the wrinkled skin.  The third hallmark of ageing was formation of cataracts which is seen in about 25% ...

Taeniopygia guttata - A male Zebra Finch in Karratha, Pilbara, Western Australia, Australia.

Longevity and Telomeres - Planet Earth Online

... of DNA called telomeres - which are often associated with ageing. Birds are known for their long lives.  Petrels, for ... your research came out of the possible connection to human ageing and it almost being that in this case when it comes to ... DNA called telomeres – which are often associated with ageing. Now, by studying Australian zebra finches, ...

Human Genome Project Logo

Unpacking the Human Genome Project

... will be a safer place. Or how about genes for obesity and ageing, so we can look forward to becoming a nation of pert ... on whilst others switch them off. Division, death, and ageing of a cell are determined by its genes, and the magic ... will be a safer place. Or how about genes for obesity and ageing, so we can look forward to becoming a nation of pert ...

Cancer cells

King Charles' cancer diagnosis causes uptick in GP visits

... But what we actually are also seeing is that we have an ageing population and that cancer is in fact predominantly a ... in NHS capacity. Chris - Has that bulge in terms of an ageing population also changed the types of cancer that ... seeing that distribution change because the population's ageing or, we just got more of it? Naser - I think generally ...

What is ageing?

... diet rich in antioxidants can help to slow down the ageing process. Nevertheless, as we age the number of stem ... deteriorate, and that's why skin goes wrinkly! What is ageing? Is it caused by cumulative damage to cells as a ... is can we prevent it with, say, gene modification? What is ageing? ...

Young rats

Oxytocin boosts confidence and lengthens telomeres

... because it can actually predict longevity and successful ageing; and what we did here, we measured telomere length, ... here we have a really nice correlation between successful ageing and social experiences throughout a lifetime. And I ... can do about having healthy life trajectories, helping our ageing population to do successfully and protect brain health ...

Gene of the month - SIRT1

... many of which are connected to energy production and ageing, as well as stress responses and the body clock. And, ... Alzheimer's, diabetes and cancer.  Scientists studying ageing are particularly interested in SIRT1 as it can be ...

Broken chromosomes

How DNA gets damaged

... with DNA and damage DNA.  Actually, there's a theory of ageing that suggests that it's this chronic accumulation of damage of DNA that causes ageing. Kat -   But obviously, we need oxygen to be alive, ...

Why do animals have to die?

... simple answer to why we die is because of the process of ageing. But if you ask why do we age, the simple answer is we ... which eventually claims our lives. What we do know about ageing and longevity is that the process is heavily ...

Fundus photograph-normal retina

Red light restores vision in aged eyes

... as we get older, our vision to deteriorate. And with an ageing population, this will become more and more of a ... into your eyes could help reduce or even reverse this ageing process. It turns out that the red wavelength helps to ...

Turning the clock back on blood stem cells

... The research overturns previous ideas suggesting that ageing of these cells - also known as haematopoietic stem ... as anaemia and cancer. The scientists discovered that this ageing process is controlled by a protein called Cdc42, and ...