
 Original - This artist’s impression of the distant galaxy SMM J2135-0102 shows large bright clouds a few hundred light-years in size, which are regions of active star formation. These “star factories” are similar in size to those in the Milky Way,...

What has physics got to say about time?

... bounce back out again and that we would experience as our own big bang.  So, this is a picture of a cyclic universe ... different parallel universes, if you like.  So, our own universe will be one of the layers and then separated by ... good question.  They could be very different from our own universe.  They could have different laws of physics in ...

Making a Microphone

... does.  To find out how microphones do that, we asked our own Dave Ansell if he could build one from scratch, and to do ...

The Atomic Clock at The National Physical Labratory

How do atomic clocks work?

... Essen's value of the speed of light and so, corrects their own equipment and gave it much more accurate radar. Graihagh ...


Getting to grips with relativity: Why Luke and Leia are different ages

... because the ball has the trolley’s motion and its own motion relative to the trolley. David - When the trolley ...

Is time infinite?

When did time begin?

... another universe or perhaps a different version of our own, perhaps even a sea of universes. This is one problem ...

The beginning of everything?

... another universe or perhaps a different version of our own, perhaps even a sea of universes. This is one problem ...