
 Typical extended middle-class U.S. family from Indiana of Danish/German extraction. The woman in the lavender print dress is the 87-year-old great grandmother; her daughter, a 67-year-old grandmother, is next to her. They are surrounded by the third...

Why do humans have such a variety of appearances?

... to be able to recognise people who are part of your own group, even your own family. There are very special regions of the brain for ... recognise the facial differences there as you do in your own group. So that's one thing, we don't necessarily know how ...

anonymous faces

How our brains recognise faces

... fail to recognise familiar faces (including their own), despite the fact that other aspects of visual and ... whom he interacted on a regular basis to mistaking his own reflection for someone else. Though he described his ...


Why does Face ID work after cataract surgery?

... identifier, or sometimes it's called a face print, of your own face. The landmarks measured with this type of technology ...

Lantau Face

The sex appeal of symmetry

... I had a barbecue last night and decided to conduct my own analysis by showing my friends three pictures of one ...

Lego faces

Why your face stands out from the crowd

... use to recognise individuals.  So, I think from anyone's own experience in life, you know that being able to recognise ...

Probiscus monkey

The Ugly Animal Preservation Society

... because it's a "smurf" blue which is interesting in its own right, but if you scare it, its bum drops off.  I guess ...