
 Typical extended middle-class U.S. family from Indiana of Danish/German extraction. The woman in the lavender print dress is the 87-year-old great grandmother; her daughter, a 67-year-old grandmother, is next to her. They are surrounded by the third...

Why do humans have such a variety of appearances?

... to be able to recognise people who are part of your own group, even your own family. There are very special regions of the brain for ... recognise the facial differences there as you do in your own group. So that's one thing, we don't necessarily know how ...

Mount Everest

How high can a mountain be?

... mountains eventually tend to fall down, just through their own weight. And the important concept here is something ... a certain height, it will begin to fall down under its own weight. So, the Himalayan chain is actually beginning to ... - Thanks, Nicky. So, mountains fall down due to their own weight and the height at which they start to fall is due ...

A group of dinosaurs

Did dinosaurs live in herds?

... Chris - "Did dinosaurs live in herds, or on their own?" - So, were they lonesome dinosaurs, or sociable ... I want to know if dinosaurs lived as a herd or on their own, and how do we know that? Did dinosaurs live in herds, or on their own? Did dinosaurs live in herds? ...

A mushroom cloud from an explosion.

Could nuclear testing cause earthquakes?

... Both of them can generate little earthquakes on their own, as to whether they can generate a big earthquake, the ... in is not enough to generate a big earthquake on it's own. Unfortunately, we don't know much about where the big ...

Why does melting ice cause sea level rise?

... year by about 0.5 millimetres. That's Greenland on its own in one year. So if things really do take off with global ... in water, when the ice melts it will only displace its own weight in water. I was curious about the scaremongering ...

How is Cape Town running out of water?

... 6,400 waiting for boreholes so everyone’s making their own salvation here, digging a borehole. This is going to to ... or whisky are very intensive, so don’t make your own because there’s thousands and thousands of litres of ...

Are candles bad for the environment?

... animals would've eaten and then incorporated into their own body. So, burning those candles isn't bad for the ...

How do volcano and industry pollution compare?

We do actually have our own volcanic effect because industry also puts sulfate ...

Egyptian Tomb

What is the best preserved mummy?

... They would have preserved those separately in their own jars. And then the whole body would have been put into a ...

What throws people when hit by lightning?

... thrown around when struck by lightning because of their own muscles, in a process called opisthotonus - sudden ...

Do Underground Bombs Set off Volcanoes?

... and down on the shoreline long enough you will create your own sand volcanoes through the same sort of process. You ...


What keeps the Earth's core so hot?

... that we're seeing is because the Earth is sustaining it's own heat by radioactive decay. Kat - Like having a nuclear ...

Someone climbing the Matterhorn.

Why are planets round and mountains pointy?

... and larger bodies, they essentially start having their own sort of gravitational field, which kicks in a feedback ...

Snowy landscape with a group of early humans.

How different were ancient people to us today?

... question. So if we're talking about modern humans, our own species, we've been around for about 300,000 years. And ...

Radioactive Sign

What were the repercussions of Chernobyl?

... By the yeast making itself very, very dark, it has its own in-built body armour against radiation and in this way, ...

Can a baby be born with leukaemia?

... any baby is born - and you would've seen this with your own kids - you have a heel prick test and this is taken away ...

Wind farm surrounded by grass

What's the greenest way to heat my home?

... energy if I had a choice of you know designing my own home. Sam - I was reading a recent article that actually ...

Floods in York

Can we store excess sea water underground?

... before the show so everyone please, feel free to go do you own and check this. So, we produce about 90 million barrels ...

Is recycling sent by boat actually environmentally sound?

... and mills. The UK paper recycling industry is big on its own so it doesn't need to import or export wood from outside. ...

A color-enhanced version of an aerial photograph of Stratocumulus perlucidus clouds; taken from the rear seat of a Northwest Airlines Airbus A320 flying over the midwestern United States, en route from Los Angeles, CA to Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.

Why don't clouds fall to the ground?

... water particles which are trying to fall down under their own weight and it keeps them up there. And that's why clouds ...

A microwave oven

Could a microwave be used to heat a home?

... 300 watts are disappearing in heat. Secondly, the cost. My own gas boiler at home is 91 percent efficient compared with ...

Neanderthal reconstruction

When did people start using names?

... the caveman like Fred Flintstone and look instead at our own species, homo sapiens. How did we first start to ...

Page from a hieroglyph dictionary

What did the Egyptians have against alphabets?

... you could also have hieroglyphs that would stand on their own as an individual object. so you can have a picture a ...

Industries causing air pollution

Is the world polluted beyond redemption?

... floating ice, which means it's already displaced it's own mass already so that's not going to change a lot. But ...

Fault lines from helicopter

What causes tectonic plates to move?

... crust, you're subducting it back into the Earth under its own weight. What we're actually seeing is that the plates are ...