
From left to right, Mabel, Nimmy and Florence Orbach

Identical Twins have Identical babies?

... Chris - Because identical twins are effectively nature's own natural clones. Kat - Nature's clones, yes. Chris - And ...

A heavily pregnant woman. Notice the arch in her lower back. At this time in pregnancy she will be experiencing back strain from the heavy weight she is carrying.

Why does the sense of smell heighten during pregnancy?

... not to ingest toxins and other poisons, both for her own health and for that of her foetus. Hannah - So, what ...

Artist's impression of a bacterium

Are there any single-cell organisms that eat multi-cellular organisms?

... and some of those bacteria are surviving by damaging our own cells, busting them open, and then they vacuum up the ...


Why do we laugh?

... to laugh if you're with somebody than if you're on your own and you'll laugh more if you like those people, or if you ...

Woman asleep

Why can't I hear myself snore?

... making those noises yourself; you’re suppressing your own sensory system so you are not aroused, or woken up, or ...

 Flock of [[sheep]]. These particular sheep belong to a research flock at the US Sheep Experiment Station near [[Dubois, Idaho|Dubois]], [[Idaho]], [[United States|USA]] Image taken from (Image Number...

Can modern genetic techniques make new species?

... in this way to help patients who can't produce their own anti-coagulant. There are also chimeras where stem cells ...

A typical Deutsche Bahn railway station clock

Why is our circadian rhythm not 24 hours?

... does that happen? Sarah - Even though each cell has it’s own individual clock, all of these clocks need to be ticking ...

Hair cut

What is dandruff?

... skin on the top of the head and it’s probably their own microbiome first establishing itself. You can also get ...

DNA electrophoresis

Can gene therapy alter reproductive cells?

... Importantly, that event means that they have their own genome and many mitochondrial diseases are caused by ...


Are there microplastics in the fish we eat?

... actually stop the animal from absorbing them into their own body. And other studies have found the opposite that they ...

A man's nose.

Why does my nose run when it's cold?

... like to hazard a guess or you have a question of your own, please email us. That's , or ...


Is there an evolutionary reason for being repelled by cockroaches?

... before that very young kids are happy to play in their own poo! Dear Chris, I love the podcast. I have a random ...

Grapes from the Guadalupe Valle, Baja California, Mexico, during the pigmentation stage.

Drink Wine or Drink Nothing?

... the bottle of wine in the shade, even the shade from my own body, and I should be able to remove alcohol from the ...

The Brain

Has the human brain developed at the same rate as the human body?

... the brain must've been like because the brain leaves its own imprint on the inside of the skull. Diana - Yes, that's ...

Drop of moisturiser on hand

How is skin colour controlled by genes?

... a combinatorial effect of all these genes, each with their own effect and depending on what the parents have then the ...

What is Junk DNA?

... called RNAs which have a vast array of functions on their own and are not used to make proteins. Interestingly, the ...


Can I change my DNA?

... internet who will talk about biohacking and editing your own DNA . It’s certainly not safe and it probably ...

We share 99.9% of our genes, yet we're so different...

How many genes do humans share?

... or oranges versus lemons. And, actually, just in our own genes we have a lot of variations. We make, if you think ...

How do probiotics survive stomach acid exposure?

... metabolic knife and fork that you haven't got in your own cells. They can break stuff down and make stuff you ...

Giraffe - Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata

How do giraffes vomit?

... vomit from the rumen would be quite different from our own since the rumen contents aren't acidic. How do giraffes ...

A photomicrograph of a blood smear containing a macrogametocyte of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

Will we be able to eradicate malaria?

... it as leaky. Basically when it makes copies of its own genetic material, it's like when you make a photocopy of ...

this is a picture of a whale with its tail out of the water

Could a human survive swallowing by a whale?

... to your podcasts, and now I have a question of my own I hope you might have an answer to. :) Recently I've been ...

Cartoon bottom farting

Does internal gas affect your weight?

... volume of gas does a person has to have to affect their own weight. Does having gas make you weigh more or less? Does ...

How much wheat to make a loaf of bread?

... holes and how were they created in the universe? I make my own bread using a breadmaker. I am also a keen countryside ...

A bag for intravenous therapy.

Should I postpone chemo to avoid COVID-19?

... fit and healthy. Listener Lorna had this query about her own cancer treatment... Should I postpone chemo to avoid ...