
Coastal Taipan snake

Are snakes susceptible to their own venoms?

... to consider. That is, they aren't susceptible to their own venom in their own fangs, because they don't kill themselves every time they ... This is also why if a snake happens to swallow some of its own venom it will be okay, because the venom is made of ...

Klebsiella Pneumoniae Bacteria

Why antibiotics for bacteria but not viruses?

... a problem, because bacteria look totally different to our own cells, so it's fairly easy to make drugs and chemicals ... roger a bacterial metabolism and which will not affect our own metabolism. Because viruses have to prey on our own metabolism, and they have to use our own cells to make ...

A profile of a beautifully shaped human Nose, from a Belgian male aged 80.

Why do the farts of others smell worse?

... boyfriend about this and he agreed. But he said that his own farts, he found curiously pleasant - was his expression. ... in the studio? Hannah - Not about my farts, about your own. Helen - I think it's particularly bad if it's someone ... thought really that it's not come out of yourself, your own body. And maybe, is it a similar thing to other sorts of ...

A blue cgi bacteria

How do antibiotics kill bacteria, but not us?

... drugs for viruses? Because bacteria, being cells in their own right, are really different from our own tissue and cells; they're quite easy, relatively ... parcel of us, when they infect us they're growing in our own cells, using all our own equipment; it's like they come ...

Some clyster (enema) syringes, the one in the back has a nozzle designed for self-administration.

Would a sea water enema help hydration?

... things in mind, I do think that water enemas on their own, or water on its own, is perhaps unlikely to be absorbed in a clinically ... a significant absorption of fluid. Diana - Water on its own probably wouldn't do very much, but a saline solution ...

Can you get sick from your own intestinal bacteria?

Hannah - So, can your own bowel bugs make you sick or can only make other people ... sick as well? In other words, can you get sick from your own intestinal bacteria? Claes If the bacteria that cause a bout of food poisoning came from your own intestines, will you be protected against illness? Can ...

Do antibiotics kill good bacteria?

... possibly for a week or so afterwards. Just to give your own bacteria a chance to recover because although a certain number of your own bacteria will get killed, and that can cause the upset ... have in your intestines is more unique to you than your own fingerprint is. So if antibiotics wipe out some of those ...

Brain schematic

What is the brain-gut connection?

... nervous system, it continues to function largely on its own. Not completely, but mostly on its own. It seems like a good, backup system to have that can function mostly on its own and keep you alive despite severing that connection. ...

Pandemic mask

Pandemic vs Endemic: What's the difference?

... can't exist really without living things to use for their own destruction. Julia - Sean has also written in to ask ... living things are able to grow and reproduce on their own and that is where I draw the line. Julia - In the UK, ... to an 'endemic'. What does that mean? Raven - In my own words, an 'endemic' means that it is going to move from ...

Gene therapy for Huntington's Disease?

... are based on RNA interference which uses the body's own small RNA silencing system. Every cell in our bodies has ... that are based on entering search queries into the cell's own searching machinery and then directing it to a desired ... I told you about. So, we sort of hijack the cell's own machinery to try to turn off this disease gene. Now, that ...


Why bother with the appendix?

... bacteria that live with us. There are 10 trillion of our own cells containing our own DNA in our body. But there are actually a hundred ... them, our bacteria, the appendix acts as a place where our own resident bacteria can hide and stay safe, until after all ...

A plate of cooked pork chops. Photo courtesy of Stu Spivack

How long could one survive eating yourself?

... To work out how long someone could survive by eating their own limbs, we need to make a number of assumptions. Firstly, ... live if somehow he had to live on amputations of his own body. I assume that piecemeal would too much of a shock . ... equipment, how long could you survive just eating your own severed limbs? How long could one survive eating yourself? ...

Rodin's \The Thinker\ - on display at the Rodin Museum.

Do we have free will or is life determined?

... as under external environmental stimuli. Hannah - My own view and this is just a personal view is that, our brains ... everything almost is pre-determined. That's just my own personal view. I don't know whether you've got anything ... about actually what they do and want to do with their own free will. Katie - I mean, I think you only need to look ...

A young child crying

Why do we get relief from crying?

... There wasn't much I could find on this. There was our very own study that talked about the excretion of cortisol through ... is sort of hypothesis. So, I've come up with one of my own and that's from an unlikely source as to why we might ... he talked about endorphins which are our sort of body's own pain killers and he talked about how the act of laughing ...

Why does my voice sound different in my head?

... they called the speech jammer which actually played your own voice back at you at just a few milliseconds delay, I believe, and it's so disrupting to hear your own voice back with that slight delay that it basically shuts ... they think "do I really sound like that?" Do we hear are own voices differently that how we sound to others? I hope ...

What kind of damage can a mascara brush do?

... to your lashes, you are reinfecting yourself with your own bacteria. Chris - But if they're your own bacteria already, is that bad? Roger - Yes, but they have ...

Why do you hear your own voice differently to other people?

... That's probably the explanation. Why do you hear your own voice differently to other people? Why do you hear your own voice differently to other people? Why do you hear your own voice differently to other people? ...

Why is a chilli called a chilli when it's hot?

... name comes from the Spanish word 'chile', which has its own roots respectively in the Nahuatl language (the Aztecs ... chile in Nahuatl. The Spanish then took this into their own language and the English language borrowed it from them. ...

What controls the heart rate?

... has a very well designed electrical system, which has it's own internal pacemaker that beats very regularly, a bit like ... and feeds wires inside the heart; taking over the heart's own pacemaker at times when it becomes impaired. What ...

What diet & nutritional factors are important for bone strength?

... Frax tool which is a thing that predicts what your own fracture risk is. You can run this on an Apple, on an ... web from the Frax website and that will tell you what your own risk is over the next 10 years. So yeah, nutrients and ...

Influenza virus as seen under EM. This orthomyxovirus has pleomorphic (variable) shaped particles surrounded by a lipid envelope studded with viral proteins.

Are there germs in bad smelling air?

... the brain that this smell is present. Molecules in their own right are not going to harm you, unless they're a toxic ... eggs and it's also a bit toxic; but a molecule on its own is not going to infect you with something. But it could, ...

What causes heart palpitations?

... the right. A palpitation is when someone is aware of their own heart beating. That's quite common and I'm often aware of my own heart beating specially when I'm in bed going to sleep, ...

Salmon Sushi

Does the DNA of food survive digestion?

... had leached out into their intestines and those people's own intestinal bacteria had picked up the DNA and incorporated the genes into their own genomes. This is as one person put it, rather like you ...

What is a tingle down the spine?

... they saw as the position of the thrower's hands onto their own motor areas of their brain in order to work out and ... doing, what we're seeing going on around us onto our own internal map of the world: these mirror neurone. These ...

Breastfeeding an infant

Do babies acquire immunity from breastmilk?

... so-called "passive immunity" while the infant animal's own immune system becomes established. But, we don't believe ... after that time the baby should be able to stand on its own two immunological feet. Unfortunately, although ...