

Boosting working memory

... region of the brain and that relationship is thought to index how information is combined across time. And then we're ... a slow wave in the temporal region, and that's thought to index communication across long distances in the brain. And ...

A marble

What is the magnification of a marble?

... the radius of curvature of the marble and its refractive index (which measures how much light gets slowed down by the ... a focal length that’s a function of both the refractive index and the size, and for the numbers Richard mentioned ...

Cigarettes Are Too Cheap, Apparently !

... a long time. Their argument revolves around 'The Big Mac Index', a measure contrived by Economist magazine a while ... shops with the cost of a Big Mac. According to the Big Mac Index, cigarettes are now much more affordable than they were ...

What diet & nutritional factors are important for bone strength?

... to work out how important, you can look at the body mass index and a low body mass index is a risk factor for fracture. That's one of the things ...

The rubber hand illusion leads to feelings of disembodiment...

Out of control: the rubber hand illusion

... rest next to its neighbour. And have someone stroke the index finger of your real hidden hand, and the index finger of the rubber hand at the same time. It's hard ...

Light in a prism

Energy of Light?

... gives a rise to this dielectric constant and refractive index. Of course the refractive index is the ratio by which the light is slowed as it travels ...

Music and the brain

Learning to forget

... a bit like a library, with a neurological card-file index that logs the location of stored memories. To retrieve the memory you look up where to find it in the index. But as we acquire a lifetime's worth of learning and ...

measuring tape around a tomato

Hypothalamus size linked to obesity

... on looking at brain structure in the context of body mass index. So as you mentioned, we know that a large number of ... between volume of the hypothalamus and body mass index. And going down to further detail, these volume ...


A mile a day keeps the doctor away?

... found to have a small positive impact on the body mass index of children who participate. “The Daily Mile is ... be no study!” Outcomes measured including body mass index and health-related quality of life were recorded after ...

\The Tuscan General\ by Alessandro del Borro, 17th century

Genetics of obesity and diabetes

... that at least some aspect of our BMI - that’s body mass index, a handy if imperfect measure of weight - is encoded in ... Science, Cambridge At least some aspect of our body mass index is encoded in our genes... Genetics of obesity and ...

‘…a very stable genius’: What’s in an IQ score?

... are grouped into four categories (Verbal Comprehension Index, Perceptual Reasoning Index, Working Memory Index, Processing Speed Index), for each of which an ...

Healthcare Science Week

... health. The first one we're going to measure is body mass index, which is basically the weight divided by the square of the height. This gives an index of how over or under weight a student is. We're also ...

A pair of In-N-Out cheeseburgers

Living near take-aways can make you fat

... how much these people weighed. We knew their body mass index and we knew how much takeaway food they consumed. So, ... to be heavier.  So, they tended to have a body mass index, more than those least exposed by over a unit. They ...

The Cross Section of a Malteser

Sizzling Science - The Science of Food

... today's talk you were mentioning about the glycaemic index. What is this and why is it important when it comes to ... about parts of the diet? Susan - The glycaemic index is a measure of how rapidly the energy in food is ... people who tend to choose foods with a lower glycaemic index, meaning the energy;s released very slowly, have a ...

Using a mobile phone

The World's First Certified Contraceptive App

... effectiveness are generally measured in pearl index, so they tell how many women get pregnant in a year ... for all possible reasons; that’s a typical use pearl index. And five women out of a thousand get pregnant in a ...

A whale breaching.

Whales and solar storms: a surprising link

... around, and we measure that using a variable called the Ap-index. Phil - What's Ap stand for? Jesse - I don't know. Phil ... to see, do the whales seem to be stranding when the Ap-index is really high? So the Earth's field is wiggling around ...


The Extreme Quiz

... Justin Schmidt famously came up with his Schmidt pain index. He rates the pain of various insect stings and bites ... a nice colourful description. So rated 2 on his pain index is a wasp sting; that causes a pain that he says is hot ...

Prosthetic thumb

How does a person get to grips with an extra thumb?

... of got two straps. That one goes between your thumb and index and then the other kind of around the base of your ... can kind of grasp an object whilst freeing up your kind of index or rest of your fingers. So for example, you know, ...


Barcode of Marine Life

... belongs to. And so with barcodes you can get a kind of an index of biodiversity. It isn't the same as naming species ... and also use environmental barcoding to do this kind of index. We call it a genomic signature, a genomic fingerprint ...

The Last of England, by Ford Madox Brown

Restoring the Masters

... weren't meant to see like under drawing, is the refractive index over time changes and you start to see things which ... you start to see them because of this change in refractive index. Ginny - And refractive index is how the light is bent when it hits the different ...

Caught red handed: who shot the gun?

... to locate it in and that's really between the thumb and index finger and in the gaps between my fingers there. And we ... focusing on the sort of webbing between the thumb and index finger to ensure that any residues were collected. Also ...

Figure 3: Mars. This image illustrates the amount of detail that can be generated from the Hubble telescope. It captures details only 16 km across, even though it is operating at 68 million km from the planet.

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

... Physics is full of surprises, but none so great as ...