Interviews with Scientists

Interviews about medicine, science, technology and engineering with scientists and researchers internationally...

11 January 2012

How to study the bird with the largest wings in the world.

11 January 2012

Heather Mason Jones chooses a clever, colourful critter this month.

08 January 2012

Free-runing, or parkour, is helping scientists understand how orang-utans move across a forest canopy...

08 January 2012

Over 170 million people are infected with Hepatitis C worldwide and at the moment there is no effective vaccine. But...

06 January 2012

Silkworms producing spider silk, new species discovered at hydrothermal vents in Antarctica, a gene providing new...

18 December 2011

We explore just what goes on inside our bodies to cause the flatulence resulting from eating Brussels sprouts...

18 December 2011

The team discuss what they would most like to get under their tree this Christmas...

18 December 2011

We explore how African lungfish are providing insight into the evolution of walking, the design of the world's...

18 December 2011

An international team led by Roy Wogelius from the University of Manchester has developed a new technique that reveals...

18 December 2011

We were joined by Professor Karmadillo, with a festive musical take on the recent news from CERN that they have seen...

13 December 2011

Given that people are increasingly using crowd source data in their research, are old style stats still up to the job...

13 December 2011

Richard Hollingham investigates why ozone depletion sparked unanimous change around the World in 1987 and whether a...

13 December 2011

If we collect enough data about our behaviour, can we start to make models that can begin to reveal the hidden rules of...

13 December 2011

Social scientists have been taking advantage of mobile phones and social networking sites to unobtrusively capture vast...

12 December 2011

Qualified London taxi drivers know their way around over 25,000 streets in the capital. And, if you scan their brains...

11 December 2011

Bed Bugs travelling from abroad, why night shifts increase a female's chance of diabetes and how to deter the...

11 December 2011

We're keeping things spick and span in Critter of the Month, with a little fish that likes to tidy up.

08 December 2011

Another popular piece of seasonal seafood is the oyster, but a new report suggests we should be careful, due to...

06 December 2011

This Christmas, why not adopt a baby lobster?

06 December 2011

Sustainably-caught fish are the perfect gift for aquarium keepers

06 December 2011

The perfect Christmas gift for a book loving, ocean loving friend.

06 December 2011

Support ocean conservation by sending singing fishy Christmas cards

06 December 2011

This Christmas, buy your loved ones a piece of virtual coral reef

05 December 2011

Designer molecules, pitting corrosion and solar cells...