Why does wearing wellies result in feeling pressure in a puddle, when going barefoot...
Answers to Medicine Questions
Medicine, physiology, pathology, bacteria and viruses, pharmacology, food, hormones, neuroscience and psychology...
If left handed people are made to write with their right hand, will it cause confusion in the brain? I wondered whether...
I was 35 when I realised that I had synaesthesia but no-one in my family has it. I was wondering if it was the brain...
How many cells are there in the brain, and how powerful is a black hole?
Why do you hear your own voice differently to other people?
If you had a stem cell transplant, would your DNA change?
I was hypnotised and thought I was a Dutch girl from 1815. Was this my former life?
I really need to give up smoking but I just can't seem to do it. I have chronic pain after an operation, chronic...
I went to a hypnotist to stop smoking in the early 1980s and it worked for about a year. I went away on holiday and...
What are the dangers of hypnosis? Would it help with my anxiety disorder?
I was hypnotised when I was 25. I'm now 67 and I've smoked once in between. The session cost me £4...
Can hypnosis help tinnitus? It was brought on by two very stressful incidents. Tinnitus is when you get noises in the...
I was hypnotised over 30 years ago and it cost me £5. At the time I was very angry with the hypnotist because...
Macrophages can clean up debris in the lungs. One of your guests the other week said that these phages can help the...
Will man be come extinct like the dinosaurs?
Why does cancer tend to be more common in older people?
My dad died from cancer. What are the chances that I or my brothers will get cancer? Are there genes for cancer?
My grandfather, father, aunt, all my siblings and I have had cancer. Are we an example of cancer being hereditary? The...
I just wanted to pick up on the point you mentioned about inflammatory disease. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have...
Do gay men respond to pheromones from other men, as men do from women and women from men?
If smell is so important, how do we smell each other through deodorants and perfume?
When a woman gets pregnant, why do some men suffer false pregnancies?
I lost my sense of smell. Can I get it back again?
Do we have stem cells when we're adults? How long do they last? Can't specialised cells divide?
Can stem cells be used to cure vitiligo?