Biology News Stories

News about biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

08 December 2016

Pandas are highly sensitive to the scales of their habitats, and some regions earmarked for conservation are...

03 December 2016

Cambridge scientists have developed a technique to turn skin into blood vessel muscle cells to uncover new treatments...

26 November 2016

The microbes in our gut turn our genes on and off - and the healthier we eat, the more they do so, a new study finds.

14 November 2016

Scientists from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have found that the ancestors of chimps and bonobos got up to...

14 November 2016

During the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak, the virus picked up genetic mutations that increased its ability to infect...

14 November 2016

Huntington’s disease is caused by carrying a faulty version of the gene for the Huntingtin protein, but the messenger...

11 November 2016

The genes which allow Malaria to avoid treatment have been found by scientists working in Cambodia

05 November 2016

The first example of a fossilised dinosaur brain has been discovered in a pebble picked up on a UK beach.

03 November 2016

Plants that use nanoparticles to pick up the presence of pollution, or even explosives, have been engineered by...

28 October 2016

An extract produced by a human intestinal parasite can reverse the symptoms of asthma in mice, scientists in...

27 October 2016

The first fossilised dinosaur brain has been discovered by scientists in the UK...

24 October 2016

Surprising insights into chemotherapy-resistant leukaemia cells open up routes for more effective treatments.

21 October 2016

Eggs capable of being fertilised and giving rise to healthy baby mice have been produced in the culture dish using stem...

14 October 2016

By combining an existing HIV drug with an antibody, researchers may have found a way to eliminate the need for...

14 October 2016

Scientists have developed a gene editing system with the potential to cure the inherited blood disorder sickle cell...

07 October 2016

Scientists have successfully extracted proteins preserved for nearly 4 million years in ostrich eggshells.

07 October 2016

New research suggests that living forever is off the cards

30 September 2016

Bees can get emotional just like humans, a new study has shown...

30 September 2016

A fat formerly condemned for its association with heart attacks turns out to be powerfully protective against arterial...

27 September 2016

Sonic holograms that shape sound waves into complex patterns to manipulate tiny objects, have been developed by...

23 September 2016

A genetic test that can highlight heart attack risk decades before it happens has been unveiled by an international...

09 September 2016

Giraffe have long been assumed to be a single species. However, a new genetic study argues that there are in fact four...

26 August 2016

A new technique that makes whole rats see-through allows scientists to image intact organs, offering a bigger picture...

25 August 2016

Growing human noroviruses in the lab.