Science phone-in podcasts answering science questions and discussing topical science news stories...

27 November 2020

Why did touching something make me taste metal? Also, sneezing at the Sun and how bananas ripen other fruit...

17 November 2020

Why does smooth ice make it happen less? Also, immunity to Covid-19 and athletes keeping their cool...

06 November 2020

And will sleeping with a potato stop restless leg syndrome?

04 November 2020

Trick, or treatment: are generic drugs no different to named brands? Also, the physics of rainbows from oil on water...

29 October 2020

Wouldn't a Chihuahua do instead? Also, decoding conversation and Covid-19 links to diabetes...

26 October 2020

Also, why ice cubes stick to my skin, and why shop-bought but not home-reared chickens have soft bones and tender meat...

19 October 2020

Plus, how smoking hijacks the brain's pleasure centres, and where Covid-19 came from...

17 October 2020

Where does all the silk come from? Also signs the full moon affects human behaviour, and why we have a conscience...

12 October 2020

Do weight changes affect our bones, Also, why take a whale carcass to landfill?

02 October 2020

We discuss the situation, and hear toddlers have potbellies and whether free-divers get the bends?...

25 September 2020

Also,Covid outbreaks in Britain, and would a baby exposed to 5 languages from birth learn all of them...

20 September 2020

And are some microbes immune? Also, life on Venus, and same-sex relationships in the animal world...

13 September 2020

We discuss Covid-19 long haul symptoms, why we've locked down the world, and where new and emerging infections...

07 September 2020

And why does sugar get onion smells off my skin, and are aluminium cooking pots harmful to health...

04 September 2020

We discuss why some people with coronavirus have no symptoms, and answer queries about food additives and the edge of...

30 August 2020

And why certain sounds make you shudder, and what's the treatment for insomnia...

24 August 2020

We reflect on the answer, and we explain the bright silver sparkles you see when looking at a bright blue sky...

21 August 2020

Are there any health threats from 5G masts, and how would we know...

17 August 2020

What's happening when your arm or leg goes to sleep?

14 August 2020

The evolution of antibiotic resistance, plus why we love music, how plants swap chemicals underground and how old is...

07 August 2020

Also, how explosions happen, fruit batteries, genes, height and IQ...

02 August 2020

And are aeroplanes Covid-19 safe. Plus space tourism, flight paths and goose bumps...

27 July 2020

Evidence for Russian Covid-19 vaccine espionage, and what constitutes an infectious coronavirus dose...

19 July 2020

What the hell does the longest word in the English dictionary mean?