Science phone-in podcasts answering science questions and discussing topical science news stories...

17 January 2020

What is ice nucleation? Is phlegm safe to swallow? And what's the ideal healthy human diet?

10 January 2020

Will a stroll benefit my waistline; do just humans get prostate cancer, and can bacteria digest plastic?

03 January 2020

How can you deal with eye floaters, and why do I see bright lights when I screw my eyes shut?

20 December 2019

How do roads get bumpy, and do elevated cisterns produced a better toilet flush?

13 December 2019

Which is more evil, virus or bacterium? Also, hot flushes and ketamine for depression...

09 December 2019

And why are mercury compounds added to vaccines at all...

29 November 2019

And did a burger on top of my normally vegetarian diet cause my belly ache?

22 November 2019

And if dogs have such a keen sense of smell, why the need to get so close to another dog's bum to sniff it?

15 November 2019

And is it true that joints hurt more in the cold?

08 November 2019

And why do some things smell appealing, but not others? Does engine oil have a best-before date? Can hiccups be life-...

01 November 2019

Does holding a car remote to your head really improve its range? And are mobile phone towers safe?

25 October 2019

And why do stars twinkle, and what's the reason my ear buds make me cough when I insert them?

22 October 2019

Is it ethical to grow a brain organoid in a dish? And what's a shooting star?

18 October 2019

Is brown sugar better for you? Why have only 28 days in February? Does diluting alcohol reduce the chances of getting...

10 October 2019

What will phenomics mean for medicine? And what is consciousness?

27 September 2019

What makes a brain creative? How do viruses, and the flu, evolve? And why does 2 degrees of global warming matter?

20 September 2019

The global climate strike, does blood letting benefit blood pressure, and why vaseline melts in the pan but not in the...

11 September 2019

Is flying a threat to glaucoma? Do blood groups affect diet? Is 5G harmful to my health?

06 September 2019

Chris Smith takes on your questions. Do wild animals snore? Does menthol make your breath colder? And more...

30 August 2019

How can you find natural water sources? Can stem cells repair eye conditions?

23 August 2019

Answering questions on body hair, nuclear disasters, and surviving a falling lift...

16 August 2019

From magnets, to chemotherapy, to getting sick from putting your car heater on...

06 August 2019

Why do men go bald starting on top? Can you really get TB of the spine? Chris Smith has the answers.

26 July 2019

From trees and climate change, to electric shocks from tracksuits... Chris Smith has the answers.