The Dominant Force in the Universe
25 May 2012
Presented by Ben Valsler, Carolin Crawford, Dominic Ford.
When did Dark Energy become the dominant force in the universe? In this month's Naked Astronomy, we look back at the history of our expanding universe to find out when gravity lost its grip. We also examine the global trade in meteorites to explore the tension between scientists and collectors. Plus, we answer a bumper crop of your questions.
In this episode
Could we detect evidence of civilisation on the night side of a transiting planet?
How long has Earth been habitable?

When Dark Energy Took Over
with Prof. Will Percival and Dr Rita Tojero, University of Portsmouth
Could Dark Matter be interfering with our measurement of G?

Are there limits to what we can understand about the universe?

The International Meteorite Market
with Audrey Tempelsman
How does the sun produce photons?
Are some galaxies moving so fast as to be invisible?
Could a new big bang happen in the universe?
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