In short: brief podcast episodes telling compelling science stories.

15 February 2015

Could worms help scientists understand what effects living in space could have on humans?

13 February 2015

We can't see it, but it must be there. Scientists are hunting for this elusive dark matter

11 February 2015

From lemon-fresh detergent to home made silly putty, Jenna Bilbrey expounds the virtues of borax

07 February 2015

Thinking about things that are important to us improves how we respond to health advice

06 February 2015

There are epigenetic differences between the male and female brains, as babies and adults

06 February 2015

The way scorpion venom kills its victims has inspired a novel way to look for new drugs

04 February 2015

What are so-called "3 parent embryos", and what are the arguments for allowing it?

04 February 2015

Brian Clegg introduces the 'ogres' that make up transparent electronics

02 February 2015

Baby chicks have been shown to count from left to right, just like humans...

02 February 2015

250 millions of years ago, before the dinosaurs, 95% plants and animals were wiped out.

28 January 2015

Nina Notman describes the dance of olefin metathesis, and how the tempo is set by Grubbs' catalysts

27 January 2015

A tiny ink pen that can be used to control the shapes of polymers on a nano scale...

24 January 2015

New super-metals created that are super-slippery and super water repellent

21 January 2015

Brian Clegg explains how titanium nitride could protect artificial joints and pimp out your ride

17 January 2015

Sea turtles use earth's magnetic field to find their birthplace.

16 January 2015

Volvo crash a brand new car in the pursuit of making their vehicles safer.

16 January 2015

Bar-headed geese take a roller coaster route to save energy while crossing the mountains.

14 January 2015

Matt Gunther introduces the alloy that links armour-piercing bullets and ball point pens: Tungsten carbide

13 January 2015

Staying active into older age appears to stave off the ageing process, new research shows

12 January 2015

Would you have a brain scan to predict your future weight, your CV and your happiness?

07 January 2015

Brian Clegg introduces a weedkiller whose name has entered public consciousness – Paraquat

24 December 2014

Compared with Hollywood, twice as many people die in cartoons, especially lead roles...

24 December 2014

In this seasonal podcast, we look at the compounds found in frankincense and myrrh

20 December 2014

The Curiosity Rover exploring Mars has found organic molecules and whiffs of methane...