Biology Articles

Articles about biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

11 June 2018

To feed more than 9 billion people by 2050, farmers will have to produce 70% more food. Here's how genetics can...

07 June 2018

Unravelling one of the most elaborate forms of non-human communication – the honeybee’s waggle dance – could help...

22 May 2018

We've been unpicking the genomes of T. rex's descendents to find out...

19 May 2018

In March 2011, my life took a turn when a simple blood sample would reveal whether or not I would have the rare,...

25 April 2018

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick built ball-and-stick models to help discover the structure of deoxyribonucleic...

20 April 2018

Micro- and nano-robots built for medical purposes have the potential to venture deep within our bodies to repair damage...

19 April 2018

We spend so much time looking at the stars that we often forget we have a Final Frontier right here on Earth. Even...

14 April 2018

Our gene of the month is more at home at a rave than in a labUnlike most of our colourfully-named genes, this one was...

12 April 2018

Using European plant and dairy waste as an alternative to soy-based animal feed could see a big drop in agricultural...

11 April 2018

Oceans are noisy. Shrimps snap their claws, whales sing to find a mate and dolphins echolocate to find food. However...

29 March 2018

You could call it fatal attraction. Drawn by artificial lights in our brightening night-time world, animals find their...

15 March 2018

I often get a rock or a twig for my birthday. It probably sounds a bit odd, but you see, we lichenologists - people who...

14 March 2018

A fiery gene that suppresses dwarves.

08 March 2018

We have all been there. You have just sat down, perhaps on a train or in a lecture, when the person next to you sneezes...

05 March 2018

How dinosaurs turned into modern-day birds...

23 February 2018

A guide to the latest genome editing technology...

14 February 2018

A fruit fly gene named after a gentle giant.

22 January 2018

Why almost 90% of humans are right handed is a mystery. The hypothesis presented here is that having your heart on the...

14 January 2018

A master controller inspired by a computer game.

13 January 2018

Significant palaeoenvironmental changes that occurred during the Quaternary, the most recent geological period, could...

21 December 2017

Research has revealed that our microbiome can fluctuate with the seasons.

21 December 2017

A new filtration system that uses natural molecules to remove hormone-affecting chemicals from wastewater has succeeded...

14 December 2017

This gene is larger than life

07 December 2017

The chemistry behind social behaviour in animals, including the bond between people and dogs – and the lack of one...