We solve the weirdest, wackiest, funniest and funkiest scientific questions, queries and puzzles...

02 June 2023

If a tourist arrived from the future, could they bring a deadly disease with them, or vice versa?

26 May 2023

Are biofertilisers a viable alternative to the synthetic chemicals we use today?

05 May 2023

Does evolution have a speed, and what are the factors?

28 April 2023

Why does returning to a puzzle after a break yield new solutions?

05 September 2022

Do galaxies form around black holes or does a black hole move to a galaxy's centre after it's formed?

22 August 2022

Swimming in rivers is a cooling activity to partake in. But does drinking cola counter river-borne infections?

15 August 2022

How can our body's internal processes be changed by medication and drugs?

25 July 2022

Could we save money on horse manure by using our pets' little surprises?

11 July 2022

Explosions in space lead to fun scenes in science fiction films, but just how dangerous are they?

04 July 2022

Have you ever wondered why it's difficult to reopen a fridge door shortly after it has been closed?

27 June 2022

We investigate the science of shipping container scanners and the shocking situation a listener encountered...

06 June 2022

Is it better for our brains to call people instead of use text-based communication?

26 May 2022

With spring and summer flowers in full bloom, we look at why countryside smells sometimes aren't smelt.

23 May 2022

Can acid destroy more than just the materials of a spring?

16 May 2022

Can we harness the rotation of our planet to generate electricity similar to wind turbines?

25 April 2022

Can fully charged batteries replace our training weights for daily exercises?

11 April 2022

With electric cars becoming more popular, what are the limitations of this exciting new technology?

28 March 2022

What are scientists actually looking for when trying to discover a diseased gene?

21 March 2022

The age of moon rocks may not be as relatively simple as assumed.

11 March 2022

This head scratcher has left us all itching to find the answer.

08 March 2022

Do accents change the way you talk to yourself?

21 February 2022

Is there any science behind the behaviour of school students being affected by the moon similar to werewolves?

10 February 2022

It's not like they can wrap up warm & drink some hot tea.