EHT sheds light on M87 black hole

What is the Event Horizon Telescope revealing to us about black holes?
15 April 2019


Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) researchers unveiled the first direct visual evidence of the supermassive black hole in the centre of galaxy Messier 87.


The multinational team behind the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), which spans the Earth by linking dishes in 8 different countries, have revealed the first images of the supermassive black hole - that has a mass 6 billion times that of our Sun - sitting at the centre of galaxy Messier 87, fifty-five million light years from Earth. For the first time we can see what a black hole - or rather the space around a black hole - looks like. Speaking with Chris Smith to discuss how this was done and what it means, and to answer questions from the Naked Scientists audience, is Cambridge University astronomer Carolin Crawford...


If 2 black holes collide, will their relative spin affect the outcome. Axis orientation and direction.

I'm speculating, but angular momentum is preserved, so the resulting spin of the merged entity will be the sum of the angular momenta of the individual black holes.

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