The latest genetics news and breakthroughs from the DNA world. Join us to take a look inside your genes...

14 December 2012

Cancer is literally the enemy within us, starting when good cells go rogue. But how can we use new genetic knowledge to...

14 November 2012

Our world - and our bodies - are teeming with bacteria. And although some of them are friendly, many of them are not.

14 October 2012

They suck your blood, hitch-hike on your luggage, and are a growing threat to the hotel industry. Bedbugs are a growing...

14 September 2012

We've all heard of the genetic code - the letters that spell out the instructions in our DNA. But that's not...

14 August 2012

It's now over a decade since the human genome was first sequenced, costing over a billion pounds and taking 13...

14 July 2012

Every biology student is familiar with DNA - the ladder-like blueprint of life built on a backbone of the sugar...

14 June 2012

Complex, mysterious and currently incurable - the challenge for researchers working on neurodegenerative diseases is...

14 May 2012

This month we're taking a look at the world of top models used to answer some of the most challenging questions in...

14 April 2012

This month we're taking a trip into the world of developmental genetics, finding out how an animal grows from one...

14 March 2012

From whole populations to individual cancers, we're taking a look at genes and evolution. We're also talking...